The computer science industry is in a state of innovation and growth, making it an ideal choice for South Dakota residents looking for an exciting and lucrative career option.
Computer Science Schools in South Dakota
The University of South Dakota in Vermillion offers graduate and undergraduate computer science programs that emphasize research.
South Dakota State University in Brookings also hosts graduate and undergraduate computer science with a focus on software development, information technology and artificial intelligence.
Dakota State University in Madison has a bachelor’s in computer science. There students can practice security and anti-hacking in the information assurance lab or participate in research.
The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, located in Rapid City, offers a computer science bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in computational sciences and robotics.
Computer Science Opportunities in South Dakota
South Dakota’s IT industry has nearly doubled since 2001. Areas with the most employment opportunities for computer science majors include computer programming, computer systems design, computer facilities management and data processing and hosting.