Computer Science Colleges in Tennessee

The increased need for computer science skills including network security and data management translate to a high number of available jobs. Tennessee offers many educational opportunities for those interested in studying computer science and getting a well-paying job.

Computer Science Programs in Tennessee

Vanderbilt University, located in Nashville, offers a computer science program that was ranked 58th nationally. Vanderbilt has research opportunities in artificial intelligence, computer animation, computer graphics and networking.

The computer science program at the University of Tennessee – Knoxville was ranked 63rd nationally. Students at UTK benefit from a partnership with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which offers summer internships and research opportunities in computer science.

Also in Tennessee, the University of Memphis has a nationally ranked computer science program. with bachelor’s and combined bachelor’s/master’s programs.

Computer science jobs in Tennessee

With over 1,000 state employers in computer processing and data preparation, students have a range of computer science job opportunities. Bachelor’s or advanced degrees in computer science offer the skills needed to land one of these competitive jobs.
